Press Advisory –

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PRESS ADVISORY: Press Conference today at 11AM

This morning the San Diego U-T published a bombshell
that publicly documents non-public closed meetingsbetween between SCE (Southern California Edison) executivesand judges at CPUC the California Public Utility Commission.

The evidence suggests that the “back channel” meetings were
initiated by Administrative Law Judge Melanie Darling for the express purpose of plotting ways that would allow SCE to keep charging ratepayers for the failed nuke plant at San Onofre.

Scroll down for the big question every ratepayer should
be asking his or her elected officials about the ongoing
corruption at the Public Utilities Commission …

WHO: Administrative Law Judge Melanie Darling and other top CPUC Commissioners, incuding top Commissioner Michel “Mike” Florio.

WHAT: Secret non public meetings that set anagenda for maintaining artificially high electric rates to SDG&E and Southern California Edison customers.

WHEN: 11:00 AM today.

WHERE: Law Offices of Aguirre & Severson LLP, 501 West Broadway, Suite 1050, San Diego California (map)

WHY: Evidence strongly suggests that judges and high commission officials plotted to avoid an investigation of what went wrong at San and who was at fault. Instead, the judges colluded with SCE to raise electric rates.

CONTACT: for background or more informationcall Charles Langley at (858) 752-4600

The Big Question every citizen must ask:

“Is it okay for judges who are supposed to
protect me to meet secretly
with the people
who took my money?

In a real court of law, no judge would ever beallowed to meet secretly with an opposing party,it is an unheard of violation of the plaintiff’s rights.

After the press conference, attorneys for the ratepayers will publishdocuments and a list of political leaders who need to hear from the public about the unlawful and unconstitutional rate hearings that are going on at CPUC …

The documents will be published at “breaking News” at

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